- Ph.D., University of California, Irvine
- M.A., University of California, Irvine
- M.A., Western Kentucky University
- M.A., Talbot School of Theology
- B.A., Biola University

Dr. Brian Crawford
Adjunct Professor of Apologetics
Dr. Brian Crawford is a graduate of the Charles L. Feinberg Center and now teaches the Messianic Apologetics course at the Center. He also serves as the assistant director of the program. He is the Project Director for Chosen People Answers, a Messianic Apologetics ministry focused on making the case for Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel. He also serves on the publications and social media teams at Chosen People Ministries. In 2021, he graduated with a D.Min. in Worldview and Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology. Brian is married to Liz and has three children.

Dr. Richard Flashman
Associate Professor of Practical Theology
Dr. Richard H. Flashman is an Associate Professor at the Talbot School of Theology extension campus in Brooklyn, NY (The Charles Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies). He also serves as the lead planter and pastor for one of the only English-speaking Messianic congregations in Brooklyn. Prior to that, he served for over 27 years as the lead pastor for two Evangelical Free Churches in Connecticut. During that time, he taught and trained pastors, church planters, and missionaries at the Bible College level in Russia, India, and Thailand.

Dr. Richard Freeman
Associate Professor of Practical Theology
Dr. Richard Freeman is an Adjunct Professor at The Charles Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies, an extension of Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, CA. He also serves as the Vice-President and Director of Church Ministries and Conferences for Chosen People Ministries.
Dr. Freeman works with churches throughout the country and abroad. He teaches at Bible Conferences on various topics such as Jewish Evangelism, Messianic Prophecy, End-Time Prophecy, The Church and Israel, The Feasts of Israel, and much more. He also ministers to local churches in Florida where he and his family reside.

Dr. Mitch Glaser
Professor of Messianic Ministries
Dr. Mitch Glaser was born into a nominally Orthodox Jewish home in New York City at a time when views on life, death, and religion were beginning to undergo major changes in American society. His religious roots, fragile at best, were soon lost after his Bar Mitzvah to the excitement and energy of the 1960s. After dropping out of college in 1970, he moved to California and was introduced to various Eastern religions which, while intriguing him, did not answer the questions of his soul. After two of his closest friends received Jesus as Messiah, Dr. Glaser was introduced to the message that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Following a thorough investigation of the Old and New Testaments along with studying the Messianic prophecies, Dr. Glaser received Jesus as his Messiah in November of 1970.
Very soon after becoming a believer, Dr. Glaser became involved with what was then the West Coast branch of Chosen People Ministries (formerly known as the American Board of Mission to the Jews). This was the beginning of a decades-long ministry that has included working with such Messianic missions as Jews for Jesus and Ariel Ministries. Since 1997, Dr. Glaser has served as president of Chosen People Ministries – one of the oldest and largest Messianic missions in the United States. It was established in 1894 by Hungarian immigrant Rabbi Leopold Cohn, and today is worldwide with missionaries in eighteen countries around the world including the United States, Germany and Israel.
Dr. Glaser has been extensively involved in Jewish evangelism in several countries, and was instrumental in helping to establish a congregation among Russian Jewish immigrants in New York. He is the co-recipient of Christianity Today magazine’s Award of Merit in the Apologetics/Evangelism category for 2009, for the book To The Jew First: The Case for Jewish Evangelism in Scripture and History, co-edited with Darrell Bock. He is also the co-author of The Fall Feasts of Israel with his wife, Dr. Zhava Glaser. He also authored Isaiah 53 Explained: This Chapter Will Change your Life and most recently co-edited with Darrell Bock The People, the Land and the Future of Israel: Israel and the Jewish People in the Plan of God. He has written many articles for Christian periodicals and has taught at leading evangelical schools such as Fuller Theological Seminary and Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Glaser is also a musician, composer, and gifted teacher. The Glasers have two adult daughters.

Dr. Zhava Glaser
Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies
Dr. Glaser teaches entry-level Biblical Hebrew as a living, spoken language, as well as advanced Hebrew exegesis courses in Old Testament (Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim). She also teaches Jewish History and Jewish Ethics, and is an editor and the co-author of the Fall Feasts of Israel published by Moody Press.
Born in Argentina to Jewish parents, Dr. Glaser has traveled widely throughout the world. She speaks fluent Spanish, English, Portuguese, and Hebrew, and has a reading knowledge of French, Catalan and Ladino.
Dr. Glaser has held memberships in the Association of Jewish Studies, the National Association of Professors of Hebrew, and the Evangelical Theological Society.

Dr. Gregory Hagg
Professor of Bible Exposition Program Director, Charles L. Feinberg Center (Talbot School of Theology, New York Extension)
Dr. Hagg specializes in Hebrew and Judaic Studies and has taught numerous courses focusing on both Old and New Testament books. His knowledge of Jewish history enables him to add depth to the courses in the M.Div. in Messianic Jewish Studies, the degree offered through the Charles L. Feinberg Center. Dr. Hagg’s role as Program Director includes teaching, hiring and overseeing faculty, as well as overall program development. Prior to joining Talbot, he served as Chairman of the Department of Bible and Theology at Somerset Christian College in New Jersey. At the same college, he served as Vice President for Academic Affairs, and was the Director of Institutional Planning at Zarephath Bible Institute. In addition to serving as Professor of Bible Exposition at Talbot, he also serves as Vice President for Academic Advancement with Chosen People Ministries, an evangelical outreach to Jewish people with headquarters in New York.

Dr. Michael Herts
Adjunct Faculty, Christian Ministry and Leadership Department
Dr. Michael Herts is an Adjunct Professor at The Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies, an extension of Biola University’s graduate program, the Talbot School of Theology. He also serves as the Regional Director for the southeastern United States for Chosen People Ministries.
Dr. Herts grew up in a Conservative Jewish home and has been a Messianic Jewish believer since 1981. He has been involved in congregational and ministry leadership for decades. Michael planted and led a congregation for ten years in Hampton, Virginia and served an additional year as the interim leader of another congregation in Manhattan.

Robert Walter
Adjunct Professor of New Testament Greek
Robert Walter is a graduate of the Charles L. Feinberg Center. In addition to teaching Greek courses, he also serves as the Brooklyn Branch Director for Chosen People Ministries and co-leads Beth Sar Shalom Brooklyn, a Messianic congregation plant that meets in the Feinberg Center building. He is married with two children and plans to pursue a Ph.D. in the near future.

Dr. John Coe
Professor of Philosophy and Spiritual Theology
“Dr. Coe is a specialist in the philosophical and theological foundation of the integration of faith and learning. His research focuses on understanding the nature of spiritual and psychological health, the history of spirituality, the work of the Holy Spirit in personal change and the interface between psychology, spirituality and philosophy. A particular interest is in exploring approaches to spiritual direction as a compliment to Christian psychotherapy. Dr. Coe is also the Director of the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Biola University.”

Dr. Doug Geivett
Professor of Philosophy
“Dr. Geivett’s interests range over the philosophy of religion, philosophical theology, epistemology, and the history of modern philosophy. He is the author of Evil and the Evidence for God and co-editor of Contemporary Perspectives on Religious Epistemology and In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God’s Action in History. Dr. Geivett has contributed chapters to God Matters: Readings in the Philosophy of Religion; God Under Fire; The Rationality of Theism; and Does God Exist? The Craig-Flew Debate. Dr. Geivett is the former president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. In the past, Dr. Geivett has served as minister to college students at churches in the Pacific Northwest and in Southern California and continues to speak in churches and on university campuses on subjects related to apologetics and the Christian life.”

Dr. Clay Jones
Professor of Christian Apologetics
Clay Jones holds a doctor of ministry degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and is an associate professor in the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics Program at Biola University. Formerly, Clay hosted Contend for Truth, a nationally syndicated call-in, talk-radio program where he debated professors, radio talk show hosts, cultists, religious leaders, and representatives from animal rights, abortion rights, gay rights, and atheist organizations. Clay was the CEO of Simon Greenleaf University (now Trinity Law and Graduate Schools) and was on the pastoral staff of two large churches. Clay is a contributing writer to the Christian Research Journal and specializes in issues related to why God allows evil.

Dr. Robert Price
Professor of Theology
“Dr. Price’s interests are in systematic and historical theology. He studied New Testament here at Talbot before venturing off to do research on Swiss theologian Karl Barth. In addition to core Talbot theology courses, Dr. Price teaches electives on major theologians and doctrines of the Christian faith.”

Dr. Mark Saucy
Professor of Theology
“Dr. Saucy’s interests lie primarily in the areas of systematic and biblical theology. Before coming to Talbot he and his family served as missionaries for thirteen years with SEND International in Kyiv, Ukraine, assigned to encourage and develop theological education in Eurasia. Living in Ukraine also stimulated an interest in patristics and comparative theology with the Eastern Orthodox Church. Dr. Saucy has taught regularly at theological institutions throughout Ukraine and the Evangelische Theologische Facultait in Leuven, Belgium. Since coming to Talbot in 2007, Dr. Saucy continues his affiliation with the Eurasia region as Director of Talbot’s extension program at Kyiv Theological Seminary and as member of the editorial board of the Eurasian theological journal, Theological Reflections. He is the author of The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus, articles in The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Trinity Journal, Bibliotheca Sacra and other numerous other works for the Union of Evangelicals-Christians Baptist of Ukraine. He is active in his local church and strives for theological reflection and teaching that is transformative for his own soul and the souls of his students into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Dr. Judy TenElshof
Professor of Spiritual Formation and Marriage and Family
“Dr. TenElshof has established and directed counseling centers in churches and Christian schools and is founder and Vice President of Hilltop Renewal Center for Christian leaders. She has authored several journal articles along with chapters in Foundations of Ministry: An Introduction to Christian Education for a New Generation; Short-Term Missions Boom: The Guide to International and Domestic Involvement; and the Christian Education Dictionary. Dr. TenElshof co-authored Women and Men in Ministry: A Complementary Perspective. Her goal for Talbot’s Spiritual Formation Focus is to encourage Talbot students to cooperate in the God-ordained process through the work of the Holy Spirit to shape their lives so that they take on the character and being of Christ himself. Her expertise as a teacher and conference speaker is in helping individuals and families in ministry grow in relationship to God and others.”

Dr. Darrell Bock
Professor of New Testament Studies Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Bock has earned recognition as a Humboldt Scholar (Tübingen University in Germany) and as author of almost 40 books, including well regarded commentaries on Luke and Acts, studies of the historical Jesus, and work in cultural engagement as host of the Seminary’s Table Podcasts. He was president of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) for 2000–2001, is a consulting editor for Christianity Today, and serves on the boards of Wheaton College and Chosen People Ministries. His articles appear in leading publications, and he often is an expert for the media on NT issues. He has been a New York Times best-selling author in nonfiction and is elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Dallas. When traveling overseas, he will tune into the current game involving his favorite teams from Houston—live—even in the wee hours of the morning. He is a proud father of two daughters and a son and is also a grandfather of three.

Dr. Akiva Cohen
Professor of Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Theology
Dr. Akiva Cohen specializes in NT studies in their Jewish context, specifically the Jewish context of the Gospel According to Matthew. Dr. Cohen’s studies at Tel Aviv University focused upon the Mishnah and he teaches both Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Theology for the Feinberg Center.

Dr. Jeffrey Feinberg
Professor of Jewish Theological Studies
Dr. Jeffrey Feinberg teaches Theology of the Siddur in Messianic Studies at the NYC Feinberg Center of Biola’s Talbot School of Theology. He also teaches in the Messianic Studies program at Denver Theological Seminary. In Dallas, Dr. Feinberg teaches Jewish Studies, Hebrew, and Old and New Testament Survey to future Bible translators at the College of International Studies and the Abraham Center of the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics. Dr. Feinberg is Text Manager of the Tree of Life New Covenant. He played a vital role in the early stages of project development, building team consensus and contributing in matters of content, style, translation, and theology for both the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures of the TLV. In addition, Dr. Feinberg has served Chicago-area Messianic congregations for forty years, leading Congregation Etz Chaim since 1993. Nationally, he has served on the Steering Committee and Executive Committee of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. Jeff is Director of FLAME, the Foundation for Leadership and Messianic Education, where he and his wife, Pat, develop educational and curriculum materials for all age groups, including the five Walk! devotional commentaries. The FLAME Foundation reading calendar, used throughout the world, integrates weekly readings from the Torah and Prophets with selections from the New Covenant.

Dr. John Feinberg
Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Prior to coming to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, where he is Professor of Bible and Systematic Theology, Dr. Feinberg taught at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon, and Liberty Baptist Seminary in Lynchburg, Virginia. He has also taught as a visiting professor at Bethel Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota; Freie Theological Academy in Giessen, West Germany; Italian Bible Institute in Finnochio, Italy; and Tyndale Theological Seminary in Badhoevedorp, Netherlands.
Dr. Feinberg’s areas of expertise include evil and suffering, ethics, divorce and remarriage, biblical prophecy, contemporary theology and philosophy, salvation, and apologetics.

Dr. Vered Hillel
Professor of Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity
Dr. Vered Hillel is a professor of Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity. Her main areas of focus are Second Temple Judaism and Literature, Messianic Jewish Theology, and the backgrounds of Jewish/Christian Relations and Early Christianity. She received her Smicha as a Rabbi from the Messianic Jewish Rabbinical Council (MJRC) in May 2018.

Dr. Michael Rydelnik
Professor of Jewish Studies Moody Bible Institute
Research Interests: Messianic Prophecy, Use of the Old Testament in the New, The Relationship of the Law of Moses to the New Covenant Believer, The History of Jewish Christianity, Jewish Missions, and Jewish/Christian Relations, Zionism and Modern Israel, The Bible as Canonical Literature.
D. N.
Administrative Assistant and the Librarian