Testimonies from Graduates
“My Name is Devorah Chung and I graduated from the Feinberg Messianic Jewish Studied program in 2016. Since I graduated from Feinberg, I am serving full time in Chosen People Ministries. I use the knowledge and skills that I learned in the program to serve in a Messianic Congregation in Brooklyn and also to outreach college students in campuses, to the Jews first and also to the Gentiles. With the unique training I had in the program, I am able to communicate the good news with Jewish people more effectively and disciple Jewish believers more in line with their Jewish identity. I am very grateful for all the help and training from the professors and staff of the Feinberg program.”

“I am currently serving in a Messianic Jewish community called CityRuach, desiring to make Messiah Yeshua known to the Jewish people of Boston and beyond. CityRuach is the only Messianic Jewish presence of millennials in the Greater Boston area.”
“Immediately after graduating Feinberg I moved to Phoenix Arizona with my family and our continued attempt to create a Jewish work within our denomination. However, God had other plans the Lord began to open new opportunities as I continued my education towards a Doctor of Ministry in Apologetics. I have been able to start creating the teaching and apologetics ministry that I have always wanted. The ministry we are developing of teaching and Apologetics purpose is to make much of Messiah through God’s big story by teaching and defending the faith through the Meta-narrative of the Scriptures by outreach, projects, and literature. Additionally, I am presently completing that Doctor of Ministry. Currently I am writing my doctoral dissertation. I am excited to see God open new doors of ministry and allow me to continue creating this ministry in line with the gifts the Lord has given me.”
“My name is Toby Mann, and I graduated from the Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies in 2021. I am currently serving as an elder at a Messianic congregation in the Washington, D.C. area. The training and education I received from the Feinberg Center has helped me tremendously in my role of serving the local body of believers. Messianic congregations are unique in the sense that they encompass both Jewish and Gentile believers from various backgrounds. Some of the Jewish people who attend our congregation are looking for a more liturgical and Jewish service. My classes from Feinberg, such as Theology of the Siddur and Jewish History, have helped prepare me better to serve these members of the congregation. Not only has the training been beneficial, but it has provided a credibility that I would not have if it were not for seminary. I highly recommend the Feinberg Center to anyone looking to get into Jewish ministry or who just want to grow in their faith.”
“Because of the Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies, I dwell in the deep, rich Hebraic layers of the Scriptures, which not only strengthens my faith and ability to witness to Jewish people but it now permeates my teaching ministry in churches, enriching the faith of believers who are thirsty for and greatly encouraged by these often-hidden Jewish treasures in their Bibles.”